Thursday, April 5, 2012


Brody has been doing GREAT during services while his daddy preaches. He hardly cries when Kyle gets up now. The man who sits in front of us, named T.D., counts the attendance on Sundays and Wednesdays. He started taking Brody with him during the song before Kyle preaches and they will shake everyone's hand and then get water before coming back to Mommy. This past Sunday and Wednesday (4/01 and 4/04) Brody has declined T.D.'s offer of shaking hands and water. I was secretly happy about this because Brody chose me over the water fountain! What a huge deal! Brody is such a daddy's boy that any preference towards Mommy makes my heart melt! :) 

Anyway, back to the original reason for this post!! Back on February 5th, Brody and I were having a normal Sunday morning during worship. He would read his books and eat some snacks while Daddy preached. Brody is super attached to his blanket and paci and rarely falls asleep without them! If he falls asleep during services he usually grabs his blanket and paci, climbs in my lap, and then falls asleep. He also usually needs to have his head on my left shoulder cradled in my left arm with his legs draped over my legs to the right. This is how he is rocked to sleep at night. This particular Sunday, he was sitting next to me eating a cracker. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the cracker was slowly moving down away from his mouth and towards his chest. I looked down and noticed he was falling asleep while holding his cracker. It was such a rare occurrence that I took a picture with Kyle's phone that he leaves on the pew while he's preaching. I took the first two pictures at the end of his sermon and after he was done he took a better one for me. :)

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