Sunday, April 22, 2012

27 Weeks - Glucose Test

On April 10, I traveled up to St. Vincent's in Birmingham by myself for my glucose test. I was sad to have to go by myself, but it said on the directions sheet the doctor gave me at my last appointment to make appropriate childcare arrangements. I wouldn't have wanted to make Brody sit there waiting for me anyway. My appointment was at 10:30 and I got there around 10am. I turned into the first building where my doctor is and the parking garage was full. I had only ever been to the first building and I had no idea what to do next! The car in front of me did the same thing, so I decided to follow her and see where she went. We went passed the second building and a guy was just putting out a "full" sign in front of the entrance to that building's parking garage. The person in front of me rolled down her window and asked something and the guy just pointed to the right. So, we kept driving... Building number three's parking garage was open. I found a place to park, but now I needed to figure out how to get into the building, back onto the street, and to the first building where my doctor was. By myself :( I walked into the building and went into the first office I could find which turned out to be a pediatrician's office. I told her where I needed to be and she seemed surprised that I was so far from where I needed to be. I explained that the 2 prior parking garages were closed and she seemed to understand and told me the quickest way to get back to where I needed to be. I had to take 2 sets of elevators, walk down hallways, walk outside, down a hill, across 2 streets, and finally into the building where I needed to be. It doesn't matter how early I get there I can NEVER get to my appointment on time!! It's crazy! It took us 30 minutes to figure out how to get from the parking lot, into the building, find the elevators, and figure out which floor my doctor was on the first time we had an appointment there.

I finally made it to my appointment and was told what to do. I went back and waited for my name to be called. The waiting area was so full there was barely any seats left and people were standing up against the wall. My appointments are always on Tuesdays at 10:30 and it had never been that way before! I got called back to where they draw blood and was told to sit down. The lady opened up the glucose drink and poured the amount she needed me to drink into a styrofoam cup (I think the cup was 1/4 full). She told me I had 5 minutes to drink it. I don't think it even took me one. She then told me that I would go back to the waiting area and wait on my doctor's nurse to call me back. I would then get weighed and get my blood pressure checked and wait to see my doctor. She told me when I was done seeing my doctor I should make my next appointment, go back out into the waiting room, wait for the time I needed to go back to get my blood checked, and walk back and get my blood drawn. I was called back by my nurse, got everything weighed and checked and waited on my doctor. She came in and measured my belly and checked Karlee's heart rate. I think it was in the low 150s (but higher than normal). She asked if I was getting my sugar tested and I said yes. Her reaction showed that that must be the reason her heart rate was higher than normal. :) She then asked if I had any questions. I had asked her if she knew how much weight I had gained. Since she wasn't my doctor the whole time I was pregnant she didn't know if she had my starting weight to go on. She looked back through the records my other doctor gave her and figured out I was 122 when I got pregnant with Karlee. That day I was 134 which means I had gained 12 pounds. She said that was a good (but minimal) weight gain. I had gained 30 pounds with Brody. We'll see if Karlee matches up in the end. :)

I then went and made my next appointment - for 3 weeks later so I'd be 30 weeks and then I'll start going every 2 weeks. I then had to wait for my time to get my blood checked. That was not fun. I played all my games I had going on Draw Something and I checked Facebook. I was very bored. The time finally came to get my blood tested. The last time I had my glucose tested (in Chattanooga) I drank the drink in the ultrasound room and then got an ultrasound while I waited... Oh how I miss Dr. Childs!! Also, I had my blood actually drawn. This time, all they did was prick my finger which was nice! She put it in one of those testers like people with diabetes use and a few seconds later it beeped with the number 136. She told me I passed. Whew! I then had to go down all the many hallways, elevators, cross streets, walk up hills, and find my car.

I always had Kyle with me when I'd drive home so he'd tell me which exits to take to get back home. I told him I'd get lost without him there with me. He had perfect confidence that I would not. On my drive up I made sure to check all the exit numbers so I'd know them coming back home. Little did I know that the exits coming home didn't show the numbers!! What?! So, of course, I get lost and can't get a hold of Kyle to help me get home. I called my mom and she got on mapquest and helped me get home. How sad is that?! Kyle isn't allowed to not come to my appointments ever again! I'm bad luck when I'm alone!

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