Monday, July 18, 2011

A Little Catch Up

Brody is now 9 months old! Just crazy to think about! He is hardly eating baby food anymore. He has always preferred table food, but I always tried to get as much fruit and veggies in him as I could. He never would eat any of the vegetables, even from the beginning, so I was giving him fruit mixed with vegetables for a while (like apple carrot), but he's even refusing that now too. He'll sometimes eat vegetables if they're in table food form. Kyle and I love our vegetables, so I hope Brody will grow to love them too. He does great with fruit!

He pulls up to standing and will let go and stand for a few seconds before slowly lowering himself back to sitting (and sometimes the occasional "plop" back down). He crawls around everywhere! He can (and loves to) climb the stairs. He's always trying to get into Bo's food and water! He's starting to get attached to his paci and blanket. He usually only gets them when it's nap time or bedtime, but lately he's been whining for them after naps so I've been letting him bring them downstairs.

Some fun facts about Brody:
-He loves: cheese, cheerios, puffs, yogurt melts, toast, mac n cheese, spaghetti (any type of pasta, really), grapes, juice, and mum-mums
-He's not a big fan of the car seat
-He's in size 3 diapers
-He wears 6-9 month clothing
-He loves Bo (our dog) and Hokie (our cat) - He knows how to get Bo to lick his hand and he thinks this is hilarious!!
-He's not saying any words yet (He says "dada", but I'm not convinced he's meaning Kyle when he says it. He also says a form of "up" when he wants to be picked up, but I'm not counting that yet either)
-He went to the doctor on July 11 and he weighed 18 lbs 9 oz and was 28 inches long
-He was in the 75% for height, 25% for weight, and 20% for head circumference
-He is sleeping through the night now. Usually from about 9-10pm until 8-9am
-He loves bath time. We try to give him one every night
-He loves Bible class at church (He likes the song Mmm-Ah went the Little Green Frog (He waves his hand around when "all the other frogs go foe-oh-dee-oh-dee-oh"), and I Looked Out My Window (because he loves to pull out the pictures!) )
-He can sign "more", "all done", "ball", and "shoe" ("more", "ball", and "shoe" are all clapping, but he does his signs for them whenever we say any 3 of the words and "all done" is waving his arms around like crazy!)
-He can wave Bye-Bye and Night-Night (which is just waving also)
-He can give High Fives and Kisses (my favorite!)
-He loves playing Peek-A-Boo with his blanket
-He has 5 teeth (with another about to pop through any day)
-He loves to clap his hands
-He loves houndstooth, oh no, wait... that's me :)

In two weeks Brody will be 10 months old and 2 short months later will be his FIRST BIRTHDAY!! I'm already starting to plan it. Some moms are sad that their little babies are growing up, but it makes me excited. Here are some pictures from the past 9 months.

Brody - Newborn

October 2010
November 2010 (one month)
December 2010 (2 months)
January 2011 (3 months)
February 2011 (4 months)
March 2011 (5 months)
April 2011 (6 months)
May 2011 (7 months)
June 2011 (8 months)
July 2011 (9 months)


  1. I LOVE him! I can't believe how big he has gotten!!

  2. Such sweet pictures! Yay for blogging Kellee! And you found a pretty perfect background...since Brody loves houndstooth :)

  3. I am so glad that you are blogging now. I will add you to my blog list, mine is I am so glad things are going great for you guys. We hated that we didn't get to see you and Brody at L2L this year, but at least we got to see Kyle and several old friends from East Side. Hope things continue to go great!!!
