Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brody - 13 Months

Brody is now in his second year of life. Wow... It really has gone by fast. He is learning so much and so quickly. He is the smartest, cutest, sweetest boy I know. In my opinion, of course. :)

-Brody is in size 3 diapers
-He is in 12 month clothing, even though he needs shoes and a belt to keep his pants up!
-He can sign - cow, horse, duck, bird, drink, eat, more, all done, thank you, dog, cat, car, milk, bear, shoe, water, he can wave bye-bye, blow kisses, and I'm sure I'm missing others
-He can say - no, up, diaper, something that sounds like "yeah", more (which comes out "moh"), wow, and bye. And sometimes I think I've heard him say Bo, but I'm not positive that's what he's meaning to say.
-When you say "love you" he says "bye"... I guess we talk on the phone a lot around him!
-He can tell you the sounds that a frog, sheep, goat (he laughs and thinks that's the same sound), duck, elephant, cow, (elephant, cow, and sheep are all the same... just "mmmm" in a high pitched sound), fish (just smacks his lips together), lion, bee, and snake make.
-He smiles and shakes his head for the sound a zebra makes and he waves for the sound of a car and motorcycle.
-He is walking and running everywhere!
-At church, when the song leader goes up to sing, Brody will move his arm like he's leading singing.
-He loves to be scared. We will hide behind corners or chase him and scare him and he just giggles so much! He will run back behind the corner and then come back to be scared over and over again.
-He loves to "fight" with mommy, daddy, Bo, Hokie, it doesn't really matter who!
-He still loves his crib and sleeps from 9:30-10pm until 8-9am.
-He is only drinking whole milk, juice, and water and only from sippy cups! Yay!
-He has been giving peanut butter and seems to do just fine with it.
-He still loves his blanket and paci. He has 3 when it's time for bed - one in his mouth and two on the crib. He still sometimes wakes up and can't find one and I have to wait until he falls asleep and sneak in there and put one next to him. If he sees me it takes forever to get him to go back to sleep. But, we try to only give him his paci when he's sleeping or really cranky.
-He helps out a lot now. He will help us put silverware away from the dishwasher, will hand us stuff when we ask, and he loves to throw things away for us.
-Brody LOVES to be outside! He loves to go and check the mail or just walk down the driveway. He loves to ride in his Cozy Coupe. He cries when it's time to come back inside!
-He knows how to turn the TV and the XBox on and then will hand you the controller to turn one of his sign language DVDs on.
-He knows where we keep his food and snacks and will open the cabinet and hand us what he wants to eat - Tomato Munchies, Mac n Cheese, Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs, yogurt melts, cereal, grapes, and Pringles are favorites!

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