Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 Months

What was Brody doing at 10 months old?

-Brody's first word is "up" - I'm making it official! He can say mama and dada and other things, but not like he uses "up."
-He is done with baby food! He refuses to eat it now which makes it a little harder for me to think of what to feed him during the day!
-He has 6 teeth
-He's wearing 6-9 and 9 month clothing
-He's in a size 3 diaper
-He can now crawl up AND down the stairs all by himself.
-He loves using his walker to walk around the house, but still isn't walking by himself
-He's drinking more from his sippy cup
-He is still attached to his blanket

Here are some of his 10 month pictures.

Here are some more pictures of Brody from August:

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